Serving Science & Technology

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About Us

is LogXlabs ?

In a nutshell

A link between academic research and industry according to a viable economic model Project teams made of an interactive trio : Researchers, Engineers, Commercial agents. A focus on simulation and optimisation of multi-objective processes under constraints.


LogXlabs funds research in collaboration with universities to find solutions for real pilot projects raised by customers.

The outcomes of the pilot vouches for our success because the customer judges the impact of our solutions on its own business.


LogXlabs performs industrialisation and commercialisation in order to deliver a robust and complete product, meeting the customer requirements

Why Choose Us

Over 20 Years of Experience With Best Results

Your full-service lab for clinical trials. Our mission is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings

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High- End Technology

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Patient Support

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500 + Different Tests

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Our Technology

The algorithms

Optimisation can be defined as the processes used to find the best solutions to a problem that has a lot of possible solutions. To cope with the combinatorial


Although our algorithms control the combinatorial explosion of solutions, it is necessary to use the power of server clusters to produce results as

Ecological Technology

Ecological technology, also known as eco-technology or green technology, refers to the application of scientific and engineering principles to develop solutions